The Day After

I did not want to go to school today.

The day after another tragedy.

The day after another school shooting.

“We won’t be watching CNN 10 today, friends. I just feel it’s best that we don’t.”

Students nod their heads understandingly.

One student whispers, “because of the…SS…school shooting?”

I nod my head to confirm.

I tell them that I love them and would do anything for them.

I tell them that I’m here if they need to talk, and so is every other adult on campus.

I tell them that today we’re going to watch Emperor’s New Groove and they can sit with their friends.

They cheer and move and I see all the little friendships that have formed in my classroom under my care and guidance.

They BELLY LAUGH at the best parts of the movie.

They ask, “what are we going to do on the last day of school!?”

I wish I knew. I wish I could tell them.

Sadly, each day is a mystery.

We can plan all we want, but we can’t control everything.

Maybe a game, maybe another movie, maybe helping Ms. Schindler clean out her classroom. Who knows what Friday will bring.

Hopefully lots of hugs.

Probably some tears.

Definitely a sense of gratitude for all that my students have given me this year.

“We’re the ones who made you want to leave.”

“No, you’re the ones who make me want to stay.”

I’m not leaving my kids.

I’m taking on a new challenge.

Something I always encourage my kids to do.

I’m doing something I’ve never done before.

I could easily fail.

What is my life if not a classroom teacher?

I’ll never know until I try.

They will continue to be the reason I care deeply about education.

11 years of teaching.

Seeing so many grow into successful adults.

Caring about their well-being always.

Worrying about them when things are tough.

Praising them when they achieve their goals.

Rooting for them always.

I have 11 years worth of kids that I’m carrying with me.

I need a break before adding any more.

I can’t believe some teachers do this for 20-30+ years.

My entire lifetime.

I had those teachers.

But I am not that teacher.

Not right now, at least; and that’s okay.

I am still:

Passionate about education.

Caring, curious, empathetic, compassionate, eager, and welcoming.

Thinking about every kid I’ve never taught or coached.

Grateful for all the people that have helped mold me into the educator I am today.

Hopeful that education will become EVERYONE’S top priority, whether they work in the field or not.

If you care about life, and the future of humanity, you should care about public education and all that the institution provides — no matter how messed up it is at times.

Education is the answer.

Education is our future.

Education is our hope.